Church Crookham East
I have lived in Church Crookham for the past 24 years. I was first elected as a ward councillor for Fleet Courtmoor in May 2007 and during the past 5 years I have thoroughly enjoyed working as one of your District Councillors. In 2011 I was elected to Fleet Town Council, also representing the ward of Fleet Courtmoor. I have welcomed the opportunity to help residents with a wide variety of local issues. My interest in local politics started with my concerns over the original plans for the QEB with the inadequate provision for its impact on our schools and roads. I am also concerned over the expansion of flying out of Farnborough Aerodrome. These issues continue to have a major impact on our community today. I have a financial background which has proven useful given the complex financial challenges which face Hart. In my spare time I play golf and work as a driver for a local voluntary organisation.
Church Crookham East
I have lived in Church Crookham for nearly 30 years and have raised my two children here. They both attended local schools and colleges, giving them a good grounding for adulthood and work. I am fortunate to be retired now but put my time to good use, as a school governor at Crookham Infants and Chair of Trustees of the Crookham Almshouses. In addition, I am in independent member on one the Hampshire Foster Panels and I volunteer for Home Start Hampshire (Rushmoor & Hart), helping young families in the locality. I continue to proudly serve the residents of my ward, to be part of the Community Campaign Hart, to interact with hard working and conscientious staff at Hart and to be part of the decision making which has helped to protect Fleet and Church Crookham from yet more housing.
Crookham West & Ewshot ward
I have enjoyed living in this beautiful part of Hart for 35 years. During that time I have seen our local roads, services and countryside come under increasing pressure from bolt-on development. More than ever I believe that our strong village identities, varied landscape and wildlife are rare assets worth preserving. I believe that key local issues should be thoroughly considered and decisions made for the right reasons - taking into account the interests of local people. So I am always interested in hearing your views and will vote to support the best option for the area. I have always played an active part in my local community, contributing through associations and local events. I run a marketing agency. In my spare time I enjoy the great outdoors.
Crookham West & Ewshot ward
I was born in Fleet and have lived in the area all my life. My parents and grandparents also lived here and my son and grandchildren currently live here. I became interested in local issues when I joined the Carnival Committee in 1981. After moving to Crookham Village I became more interested in housing developments and their impact on the local area. I also became an active member of the Village Association and was a Calthorpe Park School governor for a number of years. I am proud to represent Crookham West Ewshot as a district Councillor and member of Cabinet.
Fleet Central
My family have lived in Fleet for 20 years and we have benefited enormously from living in this wonderful community. I enjoy cycling around the beautiful Hart area and love finding new places to explore and walk with my family. Hart is a fantastic place to live. I’m passionate about protecting it for local residents but also ensuring that future generations also have the chance to live here if they choose. I’ve always been involved in the local community from becoming a leader for one of the local Scout groups to campaigning to save Pale Lane from a development of 700 houses which came with no meaningful infrastructure to support it. I think it’s important to build houses so the next generation can afford to live here and enjoy everything that Fleet has to offer, but housing must come with important services like schools and surgeries.
Fleet West
As a mum of 3 it matters to me that all children are able to attend local and high quality schools. While we enjoy such benefits today, continued housing over-development threatens this, forcing schools like Calthorpe Park to overly expand or, leaves children having to attend schools further afield as they fall out of catchment for the local schools. Being able to attend the same school as other children nearby is important for developing and maintaining friendship groups. Schools need to be safely accessible to minimise parents having to use their car to get there. Key decisions should be made on their merit and for the good of the community, they should not favour political agendas.
Fleet Central
I was born in Aldershot but have lived in the Fleet area since 1954 and apart from a few years away, in pursuit of my career, I can say I have lived in the area all my life. My paternal grandparents lived here and my maternal grandparents lived in South Warnborough. My children and grandchildren also live here. I became very interested in local issues having experienced the many changes over the years. In particular I am concerned about housing development and its impact on the Fleet conurbation. For a time I was very active on local Facebook groups and as a result found like minded individuals within the Community Campaign Hart group. Subsequently I became a ward councillor for Fleet Central in May 2024. I have found being a councillor to be an extremely rewarding role in the community and I enjoy very much representing my ward and the wider aspects of the whole Hart community. Probably the biggest revelation has been the wide and complex management of the district by the staff at the district council offices and the members of the council. I am learning all of the time and wish to continue to represent you to the best of my ability.
Crookham West & Ewshot
I have strong local government and business experience, personal enthusiasm, and a realistic approach. “With me, what you see is what you get. I will always give you the reality of a situation, not just tell you what you want to hear! I stand with the CCH because we are a group of like-minded local people who are not tied to a ‘party line’, so we follow our heads and hearts for what residents need. I feel privileged to serve the residents in all areas of this lovely ward, from the older outlying farmsteads and rural villages, to our newer more suburban estates, with passion and tenacity.
Fleet Central
I have lived in Lea Wood Road Fleet for 25 years and have been a District and Town councillor since 2012. I along with my family have enjoyed the services and environment in and around Fleet. These are attributes which I now want to protect from uncontrolled and badly thought out development. Taking the Politics out of local decision making and self-sufficient vegetable growing are my passions.
Church Crookham East
I have been actively representing Church Crookham East since first being elected in 2004, a period in which the community has faced many challenges. Whether it is major issues (such as strategic planning) or localised problems (such as parking difficulties or controversial conservatories) I have always listened to both sides of an argument and tried to find a pragmatic solution. I don’t claim to always get it right – but I do promise to always try my best. Our four children have all grown up in Church Crookham, attending the excellent local schools and taking part in various youth activities (Scouts, ATC, youth clubs, etc). I enjoy cycling across Tweseldown and appreciate (along with many others) the breath-taking natural beauty on our doorstep. I value Church Crookham as being a wonderful place to live and raise a family. I feel privileged to live here and am driven to protect what we have from the numerous threats which challenge the quality of life for all of us.
Fleet West
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